Medical Courier in Los Angeles

SMEX 24/7 Messenger Service understands the delicate nature of certain cargo. That’s why we offer a range of courier delivery services and why our drivers are flexible to accommodate our client’s needs. Oftentimes we can organize our delivery schedules to pick up a package in 20 minutes or less and deliver it to any surrounding area in Southern California. When it comes to medical supplies and specimens, we guarantee to deliver your package by the requested deadline. If weather or road conditions make it impossible to deliver on time, we contact you immediately and work to find a way around the heavy traffic areas. Our drivers are knowledgeable and can navigate the SoCal roads better than any other drivers out there. You deserve peace of mind when it comes to delivering important medical materials. Request a Free Online Quote for Courier Services and we’ll contact you to discuss your courier options.

Expedited Services for Medical Delivery

SMEX 24/7 offers fast service for secure transportation of medical specimens, blood products, pharmaceuticals, surgical tools & medical equipment. We also have drivers available for courier express services that run 24/7 and include late night deliveries and emergency last minute pickups. We understand more than any other courier company the importance of fast and secure delivery. So, not only are our drivers licensed, bonded and insured, they’re OSHA/HIPAA compliant. We have customer service representatives ready to answer any of your questions and work with you to find a solution to your messenger needs.

Guarantee of Security and Fast Service

We service hospitals and medical laboratories for blood, specimens and medical equipment. Our clients can choose between route or express services. We work with those who need emergency delivery as well as businesses who want to pre-schedule their deliveries. Daily, weekly and longterm rates are available. Choose the option that works best for you and then call us 24/7 at (800) 245-4502. Or, browse our advanced service offerings and visit our Courier Delivery Locations Page to learn more about the areas we service.

Courier Services Exclusive Features

With our new signature capture technology it’s easy to quickly track down the signature so you know it went to the intended recipient. As a SMEX 24/7 customer, you’ll receive instant email confirmation. So you can relax and let us worry about the logistics. Your materials will arrive and be signed for by the intended recipient.

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